
02259: UberPool Nights

02258: Gene Wilder RIP

02257: Office Birthday

02256: Thirty-Four

02255: Another Fabulous O Bar Birthday

02254: iFlix Explorations

02253: Not So Common Sense

02252: Considering More Robust Meal Plans

02251: I Thought You Were Made Of Sterner Stuff

02250: Weird Signs of the Times

0224F: The Democratic Right to Criticize

0224E: Slow Saturday

0224D: The President is Not Above the Law

0224C: A Busy Work Week Full of Work

0224B: Relocation Efforts

0224A: RPG Finale Double Feature

02249: Three Days of Pokémon Go

02248: Safety Mindset

02247: Chromecast Enjoyment

02246: Ridiculous Rainy Friday

02245: Pokemon Go Envy

02244: Back in Manila

02243: Somewhat Offline Holiday

02242: Hashtag Adventure Outing

02241: Sunday Gadgetry

02240: Kung-Fu Mastery

0223F: Redline Friday

0223E: Digital LEGO Madness

0223D: Birthday Non-Shenanigans

0223C: Doggie Love

0223B: Moar Sushi