01574: Payday Greenhills Trip April 26, 2013 birthdays gaming tabletop gaming Tobie toys Transformers +
0156E: Political Dynasties Are Bad For The Philippines April 20, 2013 inner ramblings stop the presses +
0156D: More Than Anything, Marcos Was A Crook April 19, 2013 inner ramblings social networking stop the presses +
01566: The Gaming Circuit Can Be More Fun Than The Queer Circuit April 12, 2013 gaming queer life run the world sietch life tabletop gaming toys Transformers +
01565: Feeling the Urge to Gather Brick and Stone April 11, 2013 gaming sietch life tabletop gaming +
01562: Weekends Keep Us All Afloat April 08, 2013 cultural victory gaming O Bar queer life sietch life tabletop gaming Tobie +
01561: The Night Anne Curtis Went to O Bar Ortigas April 07, 2013 inner ramblings O Bar queer life Tobie +
0155D: Where It's Flat and Immense and the Heat is Intense April 03, 2013 inner ramblings sietch life Tobie +
0155C: How We Were Raised April 02, 2013 family gaming inner ramblings queer life sietch life tabletop gaming Tobie work +