Given we had managed to throw out a bunch of old bags yesterday, I've been considering other aspects of our life that could benefit from some decluttering. There's only so much that board game expansion consolidation we can do that generates some actual space, so I really need to think of other things.
My next big target is...physical books. And it's scary to even type that thought. I don't think I'll ever get rid of all of our books but there are those that I think I can move away from having physical copies of and just stick to their digital equivalents. And yes, I don't I don't actually own my Amazon Kindle books - I've only secured access to them for as long as Amazon has the digital rights to these titles. All that complexity aside, there are a number of titles that I own both physical and digital copies of and maybe it's time to just focus on the digital version. Realistically, I'm more likely to read on my Kindle versus actually picking up the book given how I can read in varied lighting conditions - plus I never lose my place.
I don't think there are a LOT of books that fit this category just yet, but I could be wrong. I may not have digital clones of all of the physical books that I'm considering letting go of, but it may be easy enough to get copies later on since the digital versions are pretty much always available. And with the move South looming, I really want to contribute to the larger effort of minimizing what we have to move over in a more significant way. I invest so much in Kindles anyway, so I might as well start letting go of some of the physical stuff.
I'm probably going to be too lazy to try to sell these things...I suspect I'll just donate them to whichever public or community library is willing to take them in.
The other part of the collection that needs to move are my terms of unboxing. As I've written before, when Transformers are still boxed, they take up a lot more space. So I really need to get them out of their boxes and stored in more efficient containers. I'm running low on containers and the rigidity of my old documentation process has also delayed me.
Before I'd try to unbox them in the order I purchased them. Then when I upload headshots of the new figures to Facebook, I would do so in year-specific albums AND I'd go as far as updating the date of each robot photo to match the date it was purchased (or when the pre-order was shipped out, which is a different date). So all that adds too much time to the process and I need to simplify in order to get the collection processed sooner and more space made available. There is a literal tower that is just about as tall as a book shelf full of board games that is just unboxed Transformers. It's kinda bonkers.
So I would like to spend some of my free time this week working on some of these efforts, but we'll see. I also want to use the extra time off to just enjoy activities with Tobie as well, so I gotta balance things.
And now I'm going to process some O Bar videos.
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