I still haven't bought a new Kindle just yet. I'm pretty decided on getting myself a Kindle Oasis via Amazon directly - it's even in my cart. I know it's a discontinued model and they're only selling it for as long as they have stock. That's also probably why the international edition is 50% off as they're clearing the last of the inventory. Waiting for my credit card cycle change this weekend feels like both a smart move and a gamble. I don't think we're going to run out of Kindles suddenly or something...but we might.
In the meantime...I keep checking my Amazon cart to see if they've added an alert that the item is running out or something. Fingers crossed, everyone!
Work is pretty busy, but I'm getting by well enough. There's a lot that needs to get addressed and only so much time in the day to get everything done. I feel a wee bit more productive when I'm just working from home, but that's the difference when you have in-office time again. Collaboration is a little easier, but there are also just so many things that take up time and before you know it, the day is over.
Then again, I started this week on a rather odd note and I feel like my body has still been in recovery from the combination of the weekend plus that stressful Monday. So I recognize that I'm carrying a bit of sleep debt with me this week - and that's not exactly something you can actually clear away. Hopefully, I'll get more rest this weekend so next the week starts on the right foot. I'm just glad that we're just about at the end of the week at this point. One more day to go!
That's all for now. More fun tomorrow.
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