02E13: Back to Arranging Books

Thursday - Doctor Who Books

I still didn't have work today and remained determined to make the most of the day somehow. I got a full night's rest, which in itself is a gift, and tidied up here and there in the morning. I'm happily getting used to being able to hang clothes outside versus just using a dryer, although I still have to get used to what timing is decent. Case in point, my last load of laundry yesterday finished later than desired, so I ended up leaving clothes hanging overnight, which feels like a bit of a waste given the moisture in the evening air. Everything was dry by the morning though - even the pillows I had washed yesterday. But just to be sure, I let them stay in the sun for as long as possible today.

My morning was spent blitzing through another batch of O Bar videos on YouTube. I down to like three nights' worth of content to process and I'm pretty sure that I'll be able to work an another batch tonight before I head to bed. That'll also help scratch the itch of wanting to actually go to O Bar tonight. Those feelings have been driving the glut of video content as of late and I recognize my phone could use a bit of a break. Plus Tobie's nose remains rather volatile and it's smarter for him to rest another night before the birthday event tomorrow.

Beyond catching up on my videos, I actually got to reshelve some books! We had quickly hauled most of our bigger books to the home office attached to the main house during the initial week of the move and now it's time to face the music and actually make sense of things. I initially started clearing the shelf I wanted to put stuff in but didn't have an immediate plan for what should go there. One thing led to another and the eye-level shelf ended up being mainly a Doctor Who shelf with other close favorites like Tintin and Dune occupying the front half. The next tier started as an Avatar: The Last Airbender shelf, mainly because of the library edition compilations of their comics, but this expanded to Studio Ghibli books because of the similarly-sized art books followed by the odd combination of Adventure Time, Steven Universe, and even Bee & Puppycat titles in the collection because at least they're still cartoons? But I still had some space, so I rounded things out with my Haruki Murakami books...because Japanese? These shelves are WAY too big for single theming and so I'm trying to be flexible and yet still be able to retrieve books that I want when I want to. There are still a lot of books that I haven't had a chance to read and have been unable to even get started on because they were more inaccessible in the old Sietch.

I am still contemplating where to put books that have fallen out of public favor - these include my mostly-complete collection of Harry Potter books (I still don't have my own copy of Book 6 for some reason) and the now-controversial collection of Neil Gaiman books. To be fair, he hasn't been convicted of anything, but you know how it is when sucb accusations are made. I've already opted to donate my Orson Scott Card books to wherever (although I never fully completed them) and I'm still holding onto a few Dilbert titles despite how distasteful the author has become. I don't necessarily want to give up on these books since the creative works in themselves still have some meaning for me and it's not like I can get the money used to buy these books back. I guess this will become a sort of shelf of shame at the bottom of the rack just to give some consideration to public sensibilities. 

There are still a LOT of books left to organize and Tobie is still in the process of letting go of his physical copies of many of his TRPG titles just to help make space. We're looking to make the new Sietch a little leaner...or maybe just make room for more board games coming in. 

I have one more day of work to deal with tomorrow, then we'll see what the weekend brings. I'm rather keen to drag friends over to play games soon - we have been inadvertently gaming-deprived because of being so focused on the moving-in efforts these past weeks. I would like to get back to more "normal" levels of geekery soon.
