It's the day before my flight home and it feels like both my asthma and my pet allergies have conspired together to make today rather miserable. Despite generous use of my inhaler and regular doses of anti-allergy meds, I've been rather sniffly and wheezy for a better part of the day. I don't think I've come down with anything else - all signs point to some sort of lingering allergic reaction. And I've lost count of the number of times I've washed my face and blown my nose in an effort to clear whatever it is that's making me miserable. It's not quite as bad tonight versus earlier tonight, but it's still there. And I know joining the nephews in their bedroom later probably won't help.
I guess this is some sort of indication that it's time to go home. It's nice to be living with dogs again and even caring for the office cats to some degree, but all this renewed pet exposure has probably pushed my system a bit. And it doesn't help that I haven't been perfectly keto these last two weeks, and carbs always increase the likelihood of my asthma going off. So you reap what you sow and all that good stuff.
I just need to hold it together to get past both Singapore and Philippine immigration such that I don't raise any sort of health flags. I just want to go home.
In lighter Alpaka-obsessing news, I think once my 13th-month pay comes in, I'm going to get myself the Flight Sling 2L as my travel carry and potentially a sort of everyday bag. It's just about the right size for the things I usually stuff into my pockets like my wallet, keys, and powerbank, but it's also opens the door for easily carrying my incoming Kindle Oasis as well. I suspect my current Samsonite Biz2Go Crossover sling won't be wide enough for it, which will be a bit of a bummer. But maybe this will just herald my complete transition to Alapaka gear for all my bags and stuff.
And don't get me started on the Metro Backpack Pro. It looks like a very clean backpack and might make a good replacement for my current beat-up laptop backpack. I am worried that it might be just a little too big and maybe I'm better off with something more versatile like the Elements Tech Brief Pro, which has the added benefit of essentially being a transforming bag given it's 3 carry modes. But I dunno, I think the Metro still stands out as a better bag not just for bringing my laptop around but also as a practical carry-on-capable travel bag together with the Fligh Sling.
I am falling down a rather slippery slope, I know. And this is all before I've even received my Zip Card Pouch (although I keep checking for updates on its travel from Australia!). At least my Kindle Oasis officially arrived in the Philippines today. That means I'll probably get it some time next week, assuming there are no customs complications.
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