02D8B: Just a Few Days

Monday - Jin Joo Korean

Tobie's already on his way to the airport as I write this. As previously mentioned, it's his turn to have a work trip this month, so I'll be holding the fort this week. We still made a trip to the grocery after work mainly to help me resupply so I can get through the next few days. He's only going to be gone for the workweek, so actual work will keep me busy for the most part. The week should just blitz by. 

It was a pretty good weekend at least. We met up with two different friends on Saturday night and Sunday night and played a fun mix of games. I had already talked about our Saturday games, so let's run through Sunday. If Saturday was about gateway games, last night had more of a mystery twist to some degree as our guest also appreciates those sorts of games. We first played another scenario for Escape Room: The Game, which is one of our escape-room-in-a-box experiences. This one uses a rather adorable decoder device as the gating mechanism, but it does make for a fun central aspect to things. Then we played two rounds of Red Rising, which turned out to be better games for me this time around. And finally, we opened up another of our MicroMacro Crime City boxes, as we had already played through the cases of the first game in the series. The cases remain just as compelling with some pretty interesting stories to boot. 

Anyway, I have a few more dishes to wash then stuff to read for the rest of the night. Happy Monday, everyone. 
