02D49: Sietch Completeness

Friday - SaladStop!

Our washing machine came back from the service center this afternoon, and I couldn't be happier. I had managed to clear most of our stuff last night so the delivery crew would have enough space to move then did the final adjustments this morning. As is the way of these things, they had given us a delivery window of any time between 08:00am and 05:00pm and I wanted to be ready should they deliver it first thing. Of course, they actually arrived in the afternoon and the way our stuff had been moved into the kitchen resulted in us just ordering out for lunch.

The machine feels like new again as they replaced a few other components apart from the damaged drum. Of course, I immediately ran a load and I feel like it even sounds like it did when we first got it - heck, I think it sounds better than when it first came back from repairs in 2020. As of the time of this post, I'm already running a second load of laundry, so all is right in the world.

Finally, we're only playing board games with a friend online on Board Game Arena because of a combination of real-world factors. Our main consideration is the fact we'll be busy with the convention all weekend and will need to get up early tomorrow. Staying up all night for gaming is not an option tonight...but not gaming at all would be pretty sad. That's one weird benefit of the pandemic years - we've learned to leverage online options to scratch that board game itch even when not physically together.

Oh, and we're still going to go to O Bar tomorrow night for an event. Wish us luck!
