02D42: Weekend Countdown

Friday - Whatever This Dish Is

We're going to prepare to go to O Bar in a bit because it's that sort of a night. To be fair, it has been about two weeks since the Pride Party event, so we're just about due to go if we're to keep up with our bi-weekly cycle. If we wait too long, then we miss the bar too much and all that. And tonight promises to be extra interesting as a queen who has been away for some time is finally getting to perform at O Bar again. I'm sure we'll have a lot to talk about after the show. 

We have another board game night tomorrow followed by an RPG session on Sunday. With the wrapping up of our Invisible Sun game earlier this week, we really need to look into mapping out replacement campaigns to keep up the "pace" of things. Even this Pendragon game on Sunday has been struggling to some degree because of real-life complications continuing to make it harder to gather our party, as it were. 

Beyond that, I think it should be a generally good weekend ahead. I hope to squeeze in as much reading as I can in between the different activities because that's a personal race I need to keep pace with. 

Have a good weekend as well, everyone. 
