The weather this week has been rather brutal and I'm extra thankful that Tobie and I work from home. And while the environmentalist in me will always feel guilty about keeping the air conditioner on all day, I concede that it feels like an absolute necessity in this heat as our little living room AC unit is barely keeping pace. And summer isn't even in full swing at this point - so yikes.
This has been a rather crazy workweek and I feel like the whole team was firing on all cylinders. We came from last week's long weekend and we had a significant number of proposals and pitches this week, so it was a lot of work to come back to. And while everyone else has another set of holidays to look forward to next week, our Singapore-based company only has Wednesday off. Despite the pressure, I'm super proud of everyone for what has been accomplished. Now time for rest.
Tonight is an O Bar night for us and a welcome return to a Friday night out. When we prioritize O Bar's big event nights, that typically means going during a busier Saturday night. Those nights are still fun and the shows are amazing, but there's a different joy to be found in the slightly more relaxed Friday nights. It's another case of most of our regular O Bar friends not being available tonight, but we've still assembled a pretty solid table. And we're sure to have a great night either way.
Happy weekend, everyone.
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