02C88: Current Considerations

Tuesday - Sayote and Giniling

So there's the whole Jokoy thing. I was never a fan and I think many other people who weren't fans are taking this opportunity to remind everyone they never liked him. Along a similar vein, those who have loved his standup work for some time now are doubling down and supporting him. I don't really get it - his brand of humor felt rather old hat as it largely followed in the shoes of the likes of Rex Navarrete. And he really was a bad choice as host as he had no experience in this sort of work before the Golden Globes and hosting requires a rather different skillset from relying on the same Filipino-centric comedy routine time and time again. So you could say that he was doomed to fail. But at the end of the day, he still took the job and should stand by that fact.

I have a bit of a puzzle at work and my meeting today just stresses that the puzzle is bigger and somewhat more complicated than I had initially anticipated, so the solution is going to have to scale accordingly. It just means more work will be needed, and one way or another I'm going to have to drive this in order to get everyone aligned with how things need to go moving forward. I just need to figure out what that path is first, and then deal with the challenge of getting everyone else on board. Change management is never easy!

Last bit of news, the current weather (whatever you call it) has put a significant load on my respiratory system. I know it doesn't help that I was off keto over the holidays and that also seems to coincide with a greater likelihood of bringing back my asthma. But I should be on my way back to full keto by now and I'm still struggling. Every night I feel the need to use my inhaler again as the crisper air comes around. And I have pretty bad sniffles in the morning - something that has further delayed my plans to get back into jogging this month. 

On a related tangent (haha!) - I finally clicked the notification in my Google Fit app about something called Google Health Connect. I had initially assumed it was just a way to legally push my Fit data out to third parties for whatever purposes. But it turns out that it can also help sync data across various fitness data sources, including the data in my Fitbit app. Thus far I have been using a third-party solution to push my data to Google Fit in case I ever decide to exit the Fitbit ecosystem. But that app only syncs once a day and sometimes not even that if I leave my phone on power saver for too long. But after some testing today, I am happy to share that I now have real-time syncing between Fitbit and Google Fit, so I'm all the better for it. 
