02BA6: Breaking Down Monday

Monday Pasta

Metro Manila Community Quarantine - Day 926

So Metro Manila got rather lucky in terms of Typhoon Karding. We had some heavy rains but this morning the sun was out and it almost felt surreal. This doesn't discount the damage the typhoon managed to cause further north as it was still a very powerful bit of weather.

Work was pretty good, albeit quite busy as is the case for Mondays. I had a good number of tasks to address, follow-ups to make, and meetings to attend. But things have generally been going well. I feel like most of the things I was concerned about were initiatives I was able to make progress with. And I'm getting used to tasking things quickly on my phone (thanks to the Google Tasks widget I added to my phone's main navigation menu last week). I've also shifted to using the web-based version of Notion via a browser tab versus the dedicated desktop app in order to take advantage of Grammarly. Notion's native spellcheck feels rather dumb for some reason but the desktop app is handy when I need to start taking notes before I'm fully logged in to my browser.

Beyond that, I'm still trying to catch up with my reading since I'm almost 40 books behind pace now for my end-of-year goal. I haven't unboxed a LOT of Transformers (and I could really use the space). Maybe my efforts to increase my productivity with work will spill over to my personal life and give me more headspace for more leisurely pursuits. 

One step at a time.
