02B61: Another Sunday Slipping Away

Sunday Walkabout

Metro Manila Community Quarantine - Day 841

Despite my lingering body soreness, I was determined to get through my semi-regular Sunday walk around BGC for exercise. And after a late start to the day, I eventually made my way out. I figured it would be more interesting to make it a more organic walk versus just doing my usual circuits in nearby areas. So I ended up getting all the way to the Uptown area before getting back home in time for this afternoon's game. It was a good 8km walk even if I couldn't get my heart rate more consistently to a cardio level given starts and stops at different traffic crossings and such. 

Today was our Call of Cthulhu game and it's always nice to explore this story world. Today's session wasn't as intense as our last one, but the final reveal was quite the surprise. I keep wondering if we'll ever get to bring our RPG sessions back in-person sometime, but no rush there. It's admittedly quite convenient to be able to jump into the video conference for the game fairly quickly versus needing to figure out a commute or waiting for guests to find their way here. 

After yesterday's game, I did manage to catch up somewhat on my O Bar photo and video processing. I still have the big pride event to work through tonight, but the clock is ticking and we're running out of time before bedtime. I also managed to take the time to read through the rules for the different Root expansions that have arrived over the past year or so and I think Tobie and I will be able to start playing with the new factors and other rule sets soon enough. My bigger challenge is how to better organize and store all these game components in a manner that makes it easier to transport Root to game nights not held at the Sietch. I've seen what others have done online,  but I'm not 100% comfortable with the whole back-to-back box sandwich method, but it's better than nothing. I've made fun of various big box storage solutions that we've acquired over the years, but this is a game that totally calls for something like that at this point. 

That's all for now. I have laundry to fold with another load still in the machine. And I have some O Bar Pride videos I want to push out there tonight.
