0280C: There Are Other Worlds Than These

So I finally finished reading The Dark Tower: The Drawing of the Three - The Sailor this week, which in turn concludes my exploration of this story through the Marvel Comics adaptation. Admittedly I wasn't quite expecting them to get as far as The Drawing of the Three given how the comics had been going but I suppose it was a bit of a blessing in itself they were able to commission one more story project.

Stephen King's The Dark Tower holds a very special place in my heart and the comics provided a new way to explore this story world. Initially they dove into the history before the beginning of the book series and that alone justified the existence of the comics but eventually they turned their attentions to the book themselves and managed to bring to live the first two books of the seven-book series. As much as I had always had my own ideas for what the different characters probably looked like, the comic series gave a more concrete set of visuals to use that weren't too far from what I had imagined, admittedly. And to see the story presented visually in that manner certainly made for a most delightful experience.

The Drawing of the Three is particularly special to me as this is the book that really cemented my fascination for Roland's story more than the first book had ever managed. The Gunslinger was a little rough around the edges and hard to wrap one's head around despite its relative brevity. But the second book with its notion of other worlds, magical doors, and some very grim choices sucked me into the series firmly and thus I was totally onboard from that point on.

The comic book series was the only Dark Tower adaptation that I needed and to this day I have yet to bother with watching the odd movie that came out a while ago. It's sad to note that this particular run has come to an end and I'm not sure if the new rights holder will be able to match the beauty and majesty of the Robin Furth run.
