02E19: Geographic Understanding

Wednesday - Cabbage Dinner

Feeling much better today. I'm still on various medications to address my different ailments, but they all seem to be working well enough. My sniffles have mostly cleared and the gummy feeling in my throat has been mitigated with the couch medicine I've been taking. Hopefully, I can wean off the stronger stuff by tomorrow and be fully clear of this sort of thing before the weekend.

Small celebration: I cooked dinner today. In fact, this is the first meal either of us has cooked since we moved here. We've been so busy with unpacking and we've had the support of the household for most meals and have been relying on food delivery options outside of that. So I finally tried cooking today and I felt so good after. 

One thing I haven't had time to talk about is how much I appreciate being in a space with a garden again. This means a number of things like being able to properly hang clothes with actual sunlight versus using the dryer feature on our machine. And it means that instead of pacing back and forth in the Sietch, I'm able to hit my step goal in a more pleasant outdoor environment. Admittedly, I stick mainly to the cement path right outside our little home, but that path is still beside the actual garden and I get most of the benefits. I still use the time to read or muck about with my phone. It makes my catch-up walks at the end of the day a bit more relaxing, even if I'm just walking within the safety of a fenced-off residence.

I've also started to experiment with walking around the village itself, although the timing of my cold hasn't been ideal for this. Actually walking around the place had me more winded than I would have liked, plus I'm still learning how to map things out in my head. Tobie mainly drives us in and out of the village and I still don't have an instinctive understanding of where everything is. But I'll get it locked in my brain soon enough. I just need to take more walks.

I do know that it's about a kilometer from the house to the village gate, and this is around 1,800 steps for me. I have a decent understanding of which establishments are right outside of the village and I'm working on mapping things within a larger radius as time progresses.

We really do live here now.
