Hello again Monday. You were kind of a lot.
I seem to have caught the same case of the sniffles as Tobie had last week. I'm still hoping it's more of an allergic reaction to the plywood of the new shelf Tobie had assembled over the weekend, but it has been rather persistent. Thus far there's no accompanying fever - just a clogged nose and some tickling in the throat. I've had a few violent sneezing fits but thankfully this hasn't been constant - I'm sticking to basic cold meds for now and I tried one anti-allergy pill to boot and at least the sneezing has calmed down.
Feeling sick has not helped make my Monday workday more compelling. I got done what needed to get done, but I'll admit it was a bit of a struggle. Hopefully, we're both feeling better tomorrow after drugging up tonight. I'm still banking on this being more of an acute situation rather than the start of something more serious. I refuse to be sick. LOL
Because of our relative unwellness, we didn't get anything done related to the moving-in efforts. It has just been a day focused on getting through work and now we're just trying to decompress and clear our sinuses through the powers of over-the-counter medications and sheer willpower. But if our sniffles have an allergic component to them, living amid our very dusty belongings probably isn't helping. My recent shelving efforts have me also investing time in wiping things down before I find a more permanent place for them in an effort to address there, but there's still so much left to do. We'll see if we can get additional help just dusting things off in order to minimize our allergens and other respiratory irritants.
So yeah, just leaving things like this for now. Let's hope tomorrow goes better.
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