Bernie's birthday show at O Bar last night was...totally Bernie, which is a good thing since that means any number of things. The sheer range of performances was kind of mind-boggling and ultimately a testament to her creativity as a drag artist and a celebration of her years of performing. It was clear that a LOT of work went into preparing for the night and it certainly paid off given what a great show it was. Bernie has been performing at O Bar even longer than I've been going with Tobie and she is always going to be a crowd favorite.
At the end of the first set, Bernie had a rather emotional performance accompanied by a slideshow she had put together that incorporated photos and videos of her over the years - many of which I had taken. I don't know if everyone appreciated the sheer history represented in that presentation but I totally teared up. I'm grateful that Tobie and I have been a part of her O Bar family all these years and even got to contribute to documenting her progress through my photos and videos. I always tell the girls that I take all these for them - so they can see themselves on stage and so they have something to leverage when getting gigs here and there.
Plus it's just nice to see how performances change and evolve over the years. I don't care if I end up with 20 videos of the same song since each performance ends up being a little different with its share of surprises. That's all part of the magic of O Bar.
Beyond that, it has been an interesting start to the weekend at the Sietch. After family lunch, we thought it might be interesting to test if the very long ethernet cable that was still around (1) can actually reach the Sietch and (2) if it'll do anything for our networking challenges. It took some back and forth, but connecting the ethernet cable from the main Orbi router to the Orbi satellite in the Sietch. And that...kinda worked, and finally got my laptop and my Kindle to connect to the router. So what started as a test end up being a serious effort to make use of this wire in the interim. Cue Tobie being as Bosconian as possible in figuring out how to get the cable across the garden, around the house, and into the home office to connect to the main router. It started rather messy but he managed to get things tidied up and decent-looking.
So...we're finally connected, even if it still drops out from time to time. I think the Orbi satellite is still trying to connect to the other mesh units wirelessly while also talking to the main router via the wired backhaul path of the ethernet cable.
We celebrated this victory with a good massage and a hearty dinner. We're staying in tonight to recover from yesterday's activities and then tomorrow I'm hoping to get a foot spa and then finally get some grocery shopping down. We haven't cooked anything for ourselves ever since the move, so it's time to start addressing that.
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