02E14: End of January


Friday - SaladStop Cobb Salad

My last shift for the week (and only one out of 2.4 workdays) was pretty good. Most of my stuff was more back office given a lot of clients clearly took Friday off. But it was just the right amount of busy for a Friday and I already got started on some end-of-month stuff. I'll have some start-of-month things that I'll need to worry about tomorrow, but that's just how it goes. Ads wait for no one.

On the domestic front, the handyman was really busy today and helped with a number of nuisances around the property. His contributions to the new Sietch involved installing a proper frame for our screen door so it stops swinging into the doorframe and repairing our bidet holder, which popped out of the wall just yesterday. Tobie had also ordered a number of smaller upgrades for the Sietch and the first of them arrived today - one of those shelves that fit over your toilet. I spent some time putting it together after I finished work for the day.

Tonight is Bernie's O Bar birthday show and the main activity for tonight. I know it's going to be quite the epic production as she's been pretty excited about her plans for some time now. I'll be sure to take videos of all the numbers so you can wait for those on my YouTube channel.

We still don't have any firm game plans for the weekend, but we'll see if we can finagle anyone into at least some Board Game Arena gaming online. But it's not like we're in need of things to do either - I still have the rest of the books to organize and re-shelve and just the home office as a whole that we need to figure out. There's a lot of stuff still here given it hasn't been in use for a while, so there's a need to sort through all that before we can properly settle in. Still so much to do!

But I guess that's how these things go - we've already reached a state of organization that is sufficient for daily living that the rest of it is starting to feel like bonus activities that are still important but not quite as urgent. It's nice to get back into the business of actually living life, but there's still the rest of the Sietch that still needs to get wrangled into order. We'll get there in time.
