We will be off for most of the week because of the Singapore Chinese New Year holidays but we still had work today and will still have work on Friday at the very least. It makes for a heck of a sandwich week and it made getting through today's tasks a little harder. I still got things done, but things could have gone better, certainly. I just need to get through the half-day tomorrow and then I'll have some breathing room.
My O Bar video queue is a bit daunting with over 100 videos waiting for processing. I will definitely dedicate a bit more time to clearing more videos during the holidays, but there's still the need to continue with the organizing efforts as the new Sietch still isn't 100% done.
The good news is that we got to meet with the workers who set up the current plumbing system for the household as we wanted to understand what our options are for improving water pressure. We now understand how to operate the pressure tank so that water is pushed to our little home more efficiently. The also replaced our bidet with a newer model so our bathroom feels a lot more effective now. We still need to figure out how to improve the consistency of the internet connection, but we're making good progress!
The next goal is to get the home office set up so that all of us can work in that space if needed. I don't think I'll be able to get the internet issues resolved anytime soon, so making sure we have a decent working space that isn't the family dining table is a major priority. There is a space, but it just needs a lot of organizing - especially since we had temporarily placed all of our larger books there pending proper sorting and shelving. I guess that time is now.
The final win for the day is that we're actually resuming one of our ongoing tabletop RPG campaigns after over a month of no RPGs given the December holidays and our move. I feel a little rusty with this character but it's getting better as the session continues. Another bit of Sietch normalcy reintroduced into our routine.
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