02E0E: Settling In


Saturday - J.Co

Nothing too exciting today and yet it's still kind of exciting.

This morning I woke up early enough to do laundry (the sun was glorious) and to test a variation on our network. While the mesh satellite in the Sietch is still showing up as orange on the network map, we're getting a more consistent signal for our phones and the Google Home speakers. The same cannot be said for our laptops or the Chromecast, so we'll need to continue to explore possible options for improving our WiFi coverage.

We stepped out to pick up a few more items for the Sietch as well. The initial goal was to find something for the TV to rest on along with other incidentals. We went home with more styles of 3M Command hooks, a covered trash bin for the bedroom and a new caddy for the bathroom. We didn't find a good option for the TV, but ended up improvising using one of the wooden shelves from a prior shelving unit whose support leg had given way while we were in BGC. It's a good thing that Tobie had stored the wooden planks here because it came in perfectly handy now. So the TV is set up and we can try to watch stuff, barring occasional internet hiccups.

We're headed to O Bar's Chinese New Year event tonight but after we'll go home to the new Sietch instead of the guest room in the main house. It's going to feel SO GOOD to go home to our own place after what is sure to be a great night at O Bar.
