02E0D: Two Weeks in the South

Friday - Water Cat

It has been exactly two weeks since we hauled all of our stuff to the south...and the new Sietch isn't quite fully set up. But with the assembly of the dining table and some other last adjustments, we'll be able to actually move into our little house this weekend. We'll still share meals with Tobie's mom in the main house and the internet is a lot more stable there for work stuff, but beyond that, it's finally time to shift down. We could have forced things tonight, but we figured we could take a bit more time and get everything settled tomorrow at a less hurried pace.

I'm honestly excited about finally and truly "moving in" after two weeks of still living out of luggage. Then the space will really start to feel like our own as we force ourselves to really get through the day-to-day here. 

It feels like we still have like a million little projects needed to get things perfectly right like how we'll set up the TV or where to put the last of the shelves or if we need more shelves. Table-like surfaces are still a bit of a premium, which was also the situation in BGC. Is that something we're just going to live with or do we finally want to do something about it. There are so many questions like this that still need to be answered, but we have a lot of time to figure all that out. 

For now, we have done enough to be able to start sleeping in the new Sietch and using the bathroom there instead of sharing the ones in the main house and that's already a big step for us. We're just nearly at the point where we can entertain guests - as long as said guests aren't too fussy about the random stacks of geekery that are still all around our little home. 
