02E0C: New Sietch Milestone

Thursday - New Sietch

After work today, we managed to clear enough stuff to make space to reassemble the poker table that has acted as our dining table, primary workstation, and default gaming table all these years. This table had originally been in this same house, and then Tobie brought it with him when we moved in together in Cubao and it followed us to BGC and now back to ParaƱaque. It's a pretty old table but it's solid enough and really is great for gaming. And having it reassembled really makes it feel like we're in the home stretch of this moving process because the table is finally set up. The main living area is still a bit of a mess and there's still a lot of crap in random piles and bags all over the place. But really, it's nice to see the table in the middle of the space again. 

We also have fresh sheets on the bed again, so we can actually start sleeping in the new Sietch this weekend. We still have a fair amount of organizing and re-arranging to do, but this feels like a big deal. As we wrap up getting things arranged and settled here, that'll just leave figuring out the home office situation as our next big project.

The additional Orbi satellite unit also arrived today and it took a bit of back had forth before I got it set up. The internet signal is still a little spotty as you get to the far side of the unit, but it's sufficient to have both of our Google Home Mini smart speakers working again. I still have to do more testing in terms of how to optimize the internet setup. but this is all quite promising. 

We still need to figure out what to do about the TV. We have a spot for it, but the quirky setup of the shelving units around it mean that we need to find a way to raise it a bit to clear the sides. We could also mount it on the wall, but figuring out how to do that is a little intimidating. If anyone has suggestions for something we couldn't put under the TV that feels a little aesthetic but it might be better for it to be something functional but still solid enough to support a TV. Google Gemini suggested some sort of a planter box, but that feels too weird for me.

But wow guys, I'm super excited for our new home.
