02E03: Slow and Steady Unpacking Progress

Tuesday - Tahanan Lunch

I finally cleared a big overdue item from my to-do list, and it felt so good to hit send on that item. I've been terribly distracted by the move and I really should have gotten that off my plate even before the holidays. I also worked on a few reports and conducted an interview, so it was a rather productive day. I have more reports tomorrow and some media plans to boot, so I'm still going to be busy until the end of the week at the very least. 

Needing to work has delayed the overall unpacking effort, but we're probably over 80% done at this point. We've at least opened all the boxes that indicated they contained books and we're already in the process of sorting them in terms of which are being retained and which ones we're willing to let go of. We've only gone through our first passes for such efforts and I know we're going to cull even more once we've had more time to think about things. That leaves us with a few more board game boxes, and others that are kinda random. And then there's the big question of re-assembling the dining table to really get us back in order.

I rather hastily ordered a dual-WAN load-balancing router and a new Orbi WiFi6 mesh system for the house to take advantage of the multiple internet connections and to upgrade the overall setup with a higher capacity for multiple devices. Netgear isn't my first choice for networking, but given they already have existing Orbi units here, I figured it made sense to stick to the same brand since I'll be able to leverage the older satellites as part of the overall network. The network devices should arrive this weekend, which is a relief since I had goofed the order the first time around and had initially sent it to BGC. That resulted in me needing to cancel the first order and place a new one with the correct address...for which I belated realized I had forgotten to trigger Shopback. Stupid mistakes all around, but at least I have a project for the weekend.

The next real project is getting our part of the kitchen more or less set up. I'm still off-keto and heavily reliant on takeout options until we can get back to preparing our own meals, so it's a rather important step. We'll be cooking out of the main house, which is cool, and we get to set up our own little kitchen station in a newly-cleared area. We just need to get our things in order and then get a proper grocery done. This will also mean that the kitchenette in our house will be more for quick things and for entertaining guests. Hence, all of our bottles of vodka from previous O Bar nights are still there but so is the coffeemaker. 

Then maybe we can start scheduling game sessions again, even if just our online RPGs to get the ball rolling again. Bringing back regular gaming with friends is really going to help us feel more normal after the rather tiring and stressful process of uprooting ourselves out of BGC and migrated over here.

There are so many other small updates about what we're doing, but I guess I'll leave that for another blog update.
