02E02: A New Monday

Monday - BOK Chicken

Today's workload hit like a ton of bricks - it was all to be expected after us being mostly away for two days last week. I cleared the most urgent items from my queue but I still have a lot left to catch up on in order to wrangle things back into some semblance of order. I've resorted to literally telling people that their concern is in queue and I'll get to it when I can as I sort through my work life. Hopefully, things won't feel so hectic tomorrow.

Because of that, we didn't make as much progress with our unpacking as before, which was to be expected. Tobie at least assembled two more shelves and I cleared a few more boxes. I also got more of our kitchen things sorted and the wines slotted in the family wine rack, which was blissfully empty. It's funny how we still have quite a number of wine bottles for one reason or another. The vodka bottles are staying in our little house for now as I figure they'll only move once we finally have guests over - whenever that will be. 

I've been off keto ever since we packed up the Sietch in BGC, and I try to console myself with the thought that we're probably burning a bit more energy with the unpacking efforts, which has involved quite a lot of carrying things back and forth. It's not proper exercise, but it's better than nothing, right? Once we can cook proper meals again, we'll get back to a routine that feels closer to normal - although I dunno if I'm ready to let Tobie's mom try the quirky dishes I default to as part of our day-to-day. Then again, I shouldn't overthink it as we are sharing a household now and neither of us should be in host mode, if you get my drift.

Depending on whether there are valid mega sale deals for what I need, I may first tackle upgrading the internet setup sooner rather than later, if only so I can feel like things are more "organized" on the internet front. 

And I think I want to do laundry tomorrow. Wish us luck!
