Tobie was a little out of commission today - probably over exerted himself yesterday with all the moving of heavier things and general unpacking. We tried a nearby spa last night to see if that would help, but it still felt prudent for him to rest today. So that left me to tackle the unpacking and organizing efforts for the day to keep up the pace.
The inventory from the movers had over 130 items on it - a count that included each box and larger wrapped up items like the fans or the components of our various hardware shelves. By the end of the day I counted a good 30-ish things left to unwrap and unpack, which feels like pretty good progress for the weekend. We'll have to go back to juggling work alongside our remaining unpacking and sorting efforts, so we're going to slow down to some degree.
At least it feels like various key elements of our lives are back in order. The washing machine is set up and confirmed to be working, so I can start catching up on laundry this week. I finally got the coffeemaker unpacked and set up, so I rewarded myself with a fresh cup of coffee after a weekend of takeout instant coffee. And I've managed to get a lot of the books out of their boxes with an initial organization effort to sort where things might go. It'll be a whole other thing to get everything properly shelved, but that's a problem for future me.
This week the goals are going to be figuring out our cooking setup as we'll be sharing space with Tobie's mom. We also need to get our working area in order so we don't consume the dining table as a workspace indefinitely.
Other priorities may involve us buying additional things to help with organization or to generally make the most of the closets and other storage items available to us. We still haven't quite figured out how to sort our clothes just yet and a lot of our stuff are still in boxes. Plus there's the other question of the bathroom as it's still a mess and not officially useable.
But hey, I'm glad how things are progressing and I think we'll be closer to a sense of "normal" by the next weekend, maybe? This may feel a little ambitious, but we're both quite determined to get fully settled in so we can focus on improving things beyond the bare minimum needed to become properly functional again.
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