02DEC: Early Tobie Time


Saturday - Tagaytay Castle House

Tobie's here in Tagaytay!

The original plan was for him to drive up on Sunday, but things got rearranged so that he could drive up today. We haven't seen each other in a week and while that's not a long amount of time, it certainly felt long enough. And you can clearly tell in our first selfies together that we were both very happy to be back together. 

Beyond just being together, I'm glad that Tobie gets to spend some time with the boys as well. Had he just driven in on Sunday, that would limit the family reunion to just a day - less than 24 hours even. This way, we have a lot more time together.

Today has been pretty light. I clocked a lot of steps today because of walking Koji, running after the boys, and showing Tobie around. We've all eaten way too much because this house keeps filling up with food one way or another. And we assembled a grill! Something to add to my bucket list, I guess.

Now we're going to stay up late to play more Ticket to Ride: Legends of the West. Tobie is going to take over our inactive green player, so at least he gets to be part of the games tonight.
