02DEA: Finally Christmas

Thursday - Highlands Christmas Decor

Today is Boxing Day in some parts of the world, but for us today is Christmas. The finally is finally complete and we got to have a hearty dinner together and got to exchange presents. The bulk of the focus was on the two boys and the nephews got quite a haul of Paw Patrol, Bluey, Minecraft, and dinosaur-related items from everyone. All the stress and hard work from the last few days was totally worth it since we got to celebrate the holiday together. 

Admittedly, we're not 100% done and there are still different bits and bobs that still need to be properly stowed away out of view - or at least out of reach for two curious young boys. The parents are still making some final decisions on other pieces of furniture like a dining table and making a home office space. But at least we're at MVP-levels for the house and we'll see how we can clear the rest of things in the coming days. And we were done enough to merit a spa day with mom, although I wish the massage had been harder than it was. Then again, it was a female therapist, so that was probably a factor.

I just know the holiday period is going to blitz by because that's what happens when the family is gathered together like this. We still have work tomorrow, so we'll have to get through that amid the pending chores, and, of course, two young boys who are bound to be excited to explore the neighborhood in the daytime. 

It's going to be an interesting weekend ahead, for sure.

Merry Christmas, everyone!
