I've repeatedly stated that mid-week holidays really aren't to my liking as it results in weird work patterns. And in this lead-up to Christmas, it seems our clients are just as determined to make the most of things given the number of requests that continue to come in. I'm pretty sure a lot of them are blitzing work before next week in case they filed leave or something, but that means we have to deal with the workload. It's the nature of the beast and there's no getting around to - so I'm just making observations at this point. I'm expecting things will be a bit quieter between Christmas and New Year before things start ramping up again.
At least I got a lot done today with a few other items just pending the work of others. They're not serious constraints and I should have all my ducks in a row tomorrow so I can end the week in a good place.
I've yet to pack for the Tagaytay holiday with the family, but I should have time to settle that tomorrow after (or during?) work. I have a checklist of what I think I'll bring in my head, but it'll be different once I start stuffing everything into my luggage. My main source of entertainment will be my phone and my Kindle, but I'll also have my laptop with me for work stuff (and O Bar video processing). I won't need to bring board games since there's a bit of a collection there because that's how our family seems to roll these days.
But I am determined to go to O Bar one more time in a manner similar to my pre-flight O Bar runs whenever I need to go to Singapore. We've admittedly been going to O Bar a LOT more this quarter for various reasons and I know I'm going to miss it even if I'm not even going to be away for a full two weeks. Tobie and I are confirmed to go on New Year's Eve, as has been our tradition over the years.
Yes, these are my priorities.
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