Our holiday plans have finally come into focus, more or less. I'll be joining the family in Tagaytay come Saturday night and we'll stay there pretty much until right before New Year's Eve. Tobie will join us next weekend and we'll make the trip home together since we'll be joining his family for New Year's stuff. With that, I've managed to complete the last of my Christmas shopping today, so I'm more or less ready for the coming holiday period. I just need to pack my bag for the trip, which almost feels like preparing for one of my Singapore work trips.
With this schedule, I'm going to miss Christmas at O Bar again, but at least I'll be back for the New Year. There's been a bit of family talk about how cold it is over there, so I've already washed some of my jackets so I can figure out which one I want to bring with me. I have a couple of company jackets that I've gathered over the years, but I also have an O Bar jacket, which I'm kinda keen on wearing when Tobie goes to O Bar during the holiday period. It's remote O Bar solidarity or something.
What I am most looking forward potentially more time for reading since I won't be gaming or going to O Bar as much over the 10-day period. I still need to finish 25 books before the year ends to hit my goal and it's starting to feel a bit tight. But outside of reading, the real fun will start once the family is fully gathered and I'll get to spend time with the nephews again. That may make reading complicated, but it's not something I haven't juggled before.
In the meantime, I have more O Bar videos to process before we wrap up for the night.
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