Game night was pretty productive, at least. We got to play Earth, Resurgence, Apiary, Sea Salt & Paper, Citadels, and Monkey Palace. That's quite a number of meaty games given we started the session as early as 02:00pm to better accommodate other players who couldn't stay out as late. It was still a good gaming experience overall, but one can also feel how things have shifted.
I'm definitely thinking about the holiday cruch as of late. We haven't really made good headway with our Christmas shopping outside of the stuff we've gotten for our O Bar family. I've found a few items here and there for family, but I'm nowhere near done with my gift shopping for the year.
Then there's the looming reality of the need to start moving our stuff south. With the holidays in full swing and my probably being in Tagaytaty with family for the main Christmas period itself. That means that any serious moving will really have to happen next year - I foresee needing to time off to dedicate time to moving. We have a LOT of stuff that we need to figure out how to get over there without us even figuring out how to organize things properly. One problem at a time, I suppose.
But beyond that, I'm still looking forward to how the rest of the month will unfold. Those are some serious times that need to be tackled, but we'll figure it out because we always do. Tobie and I are capable of doing some amazing things when we set our minds to it and this includes last-minute Christmas shopping and figuring out these moves. This is only the second time we're moving to a new living space and I think we'll manage things well enough.
Wish us luck! And if you want to volunteer to help with the eventual organizing effort in the new space, just give us a ring, maybe.
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