02DD5: Free Friday

Friday - Pork Liempo

With the holidays in full swing (together with holiday traffic), we actually have no big plans tonight. Friends weren't available to come over for board games and we didn't feel up to canvassing around alternate players to drag over. And given we're hoping to start tomorrow's board game session as early as possible, we're going to do our best not to stay up too late, which would be our more typical Friday night schedule. 

Plus, we kinda went to O Bar last night, so going again tonight probably isn't the best thing for our steadily aging selves. We had barely survived a major back-to-back O Bar series last week and it's probably too soon to do that again. Beyond the costs and the need to travel, the other factor preventing us from going to O Bar more regularly is just our physical ability to do so. We're definitely not as young as we used to be and post-O Bar recovery seems to take longer and longer.

Tomorrow's game session is going to be our last for the year, obviously. We're still bound to play on our own or with friends who don't mind traveling to BGC, but the holiday crunch is going to significantly limit our options as time passes. I haven't fully finalized family plans as we're still waiting for a few other dependencies to get resolved. Then we'll have a better idea of how much time we have for other things.

Alas, it's not the best holiday schedule since both Christmas and New Year are in the middle of the week, making them weird sandwich holidays. Many of our clients will still have things going on during that period, so I'm pretty sure I'm still going to need to work on a number of things here and there. 

I hope you all have a good weekend ahead!
