While our player count during yesterday's game session was a little volatile with some people needing to rest for the day and others needing to step out during the game night, we still made the most of the gathering. And since our game group also celebrates special events during each game session, we also remember a departed friend in a uniquely gaming-related manner.
In hindsight, we actually played a lot of "new" games for the first time - at the very least it was the first time for the group to play them, if you get my drift. New stuff include the likes of Lego Monkey Palace, Paperback, Scout, Rafter Five, and Morbid Curiosity. But we also had a few games that Tobe and I have played but not necessarily with this group including Sea Salt & Paper, DropPolter, and Tiny Epic Quest.
Morbid Curiosity was the most unique experience of the night as (1) it once belonged to the person we were celebrating and (2) it was totally her kind of game given its focus on death and related topics. The game consists of players drawing cards that either involve death-related trivia or ones that pose questions for the group to answer. And while some answers were inevitably comical, others were pretty grim and serious, because this is a game all about death and thinking about the end of things. It's not our usual gaming fare, but it did feel like a good way to remember her.
Today was a lot lighter but we still got to wrap up our ongoing World of Dew campaign. We might still continue things at some point because the game has that flexibility, but at the very least we managed to achieve a decent "season-ender" that acts as a safe place to end the story for now. And hey, our samurai game became a ninja Batman story!
Happy Sunday, everyone.
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