02DC6: Delivery Updates

My arm/shoulder still felt quite sore upon waking, so I skipped yoga for the day and stuck to basic exercises various physical therapists on TikTok have recommended for frozen shoulder. It helped a bit, but what really helped was a strong dose of mefenamic acid, so there's that. The last time I had major arm pain it didn't even respond to over-the-counter painkillers, so this is a blessing. Hopefully, it'll clear by tomorrow as we're scheduled to go to O Bar, which means taking another batch of photos and videos

Such is my life. LOL

Three new games have arrived at the Sietch due to different Kickstarter projects Tobie and I have backed. I had backed Kavango, a game about animal conservation in Africa that promises an interesting tableau-building card game experience. It comes with some crazy large player boards, so we'll see how we'll manage that at the game table. Tobie's efforts have added the deluxe 10th anniversary edition of Paperback along with a new game Typewriter, both published by Fowers Games. The former is a deck-building game that's all about words. The latter is a tableau-building game...still about words. I guess we have a vibe we're aiming for this week.

Other interesting deliveries include the last of our 11.11 purchases tied to Christmas gifts for our O Bar family. This last package involves the items I was more worried about since they came from overseas, but everything seems to be in order. I am still waiting for an Alpaka Black Friday order I made earlier this week for some long-desired items and I guess at least two gifts? I foresee putting together another batch of orders for other family gifts, assuming things stay in stock. 

It's almost December and we haven't really mapped out Christmas gifts for other people just yet. My sister and I were just talking about this earlier today and we're a little stumped a the moment. And while it's nice that she's flying in, it also means that my gifts need to be smart and travel friendly so I don't add too much of a burden to them. And you all know how seriously I take trying to be clever when it comes to Christmas gifts. 

I think it's going to be a rather fun Christmas season ahead!
