02DAB: Friday Home

Friday - Little Farms Keto Breakfast

I'm home! The flight itself was pretty uneventful save for a moment of panic when it seemed that the electronic immigration gates at NAIA were roped off. I think the only other tricky bit was getting a ride home from the airport since most of the regular options...require cash. And here's me living a strictly credit card and GCash life haha

What was nice was that we arranged the morning schedule so that we could all have breakfast before it was time for me to head to the airport. This is not easy when the usual routine includes corralling the boys and getting them prepared for school. So I appreciate the extra effort and it was a fun meal with all the usual quirkiness of having two young boys at the table. The old one wanted some rashers of bacon and even part of a sausage aside from having a pancake. The younger one was more eager to leave to check out the rides in the shopping center, so I had to accompany him. But it just meant that I got some specific interactions with each of them before heading to the airport.  

It's nice to be home and we don't have any specific plans for the night. We did get caught up on both Agatha All Along and Only Murders in the Building after both Tobie and I skipped out on these shows while we were apart. And we did this while enjoying a good Sariwon dinner, which I suppose is the most appropriate welcome home meal.

Tomorrow is going to be busy given the O Bar Halloween event. Thankfully. Tobie managed to find the elements we needed for our costumes for this year. Now let's see how we can make good use of the night now that I'm home.

Plus I already have laundry running. 
