I managed to get a full night's sleep yesterday and woke up feeling a lot more human again. And I totally needed it since we had rather varied activities on the agenda plus the two nephews at the end of the day. I tried to pace myself as best as possible, but I think I didn't fully think certain things through. Mid-way through my day I realized that I had booked myself into talking for nearly 3 hours straight because of 2 appointments that involved a lengthy conversation followed by an onboarding training session. After all that, I'm pretty tapped out.
My allergies have been a little bonkers since I got here, which is relatively normal since I'm sharing a space with dogs again. At least I didn't forget to bring the proper medications to help me through the usual acclimation period, but the occasional feelings of congestion and strained breathing still aren't fun. And while I'll never be actually immune to the effects of pet dander, my reactions should generally subside in a few days once my system is more used to the environment.
In other news, today I gave into getting a Humble Bundle for different books related to data visualization. But the size of some of the ebook files were way bigger than what can be sent directly to my Kindle account as a document, so that got me a little worried. Thankfully, Google Play Books allows ones to directly upload files to your account from a desktop device, so I went with that. I've only ever purchased a few books on Google that aren't available on Amazon, and this experience had me re-examining the service.
This triggered a little side project where I tried to upload all other Humble Book Bundles I had acquired over the years just to test the limits of things. There does seem to be a size limit even when uploading via desktop, so some of my PDF comics didn't get accepted by the system. But most books made it through and I now have close to 500 titles added to my account. Many of them are titles I've been super open to reading but haven't had a good way to do so apart from reading the full-color PDFs on desktop. So this...is pretty helpful.
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