02D62: Active Tuesday

Tuesday - Sumo Salad

Another busy day. Funnily, I ended up working from home in the morning since the team was all over the place for client meetings and such and it made more sense to stay put. I did go to the office in the afternoon and worked the rest of the day there. I got to clear a number of interesting tasks but there are still more in queue that I hope to resolve before we're out for our quarterly session.

I finally finished reading Start With Why, which was rather underwhelming admittedly. Simon Sinek is one of those authors that a lot of people make reference to but this first foray into his writing wasn't all that. I guess it doesn't help that we've been reading a LOT of business books on different topics and so there are certain titles that really work more for me, but this may not be it. I'm now delving into Adam Grant to see if he works out better for me.

Another good walk today - and I managed to clear over 5km in under an hour. It was taking me about 10 minutes and change per 1km lap - it helps that I have a pretty solid route that takes me down to Robertson Quay and then back again. A few funny observations of the other people I run into. There are a decent number of joggers who mostly run alone and often have their arms in weird positions that don't feel very aerodynamic. When I do encounter couples, they tend to be (1) straight and (2) just walking, probably to get to a destination versus being for exercise. Oh, and more and more I keep running into these old people in what feel like souped-up mobility vehicles that have neon lights and even loud sound systems. They don't go very fast and you can't help but watch them as they hum by.
