Finally got to see the new family house in Tagaytay and it definitely has a lot of potential. It's in a quieter part of the area, so you don't necessarily have to deal with the comings and goings of tourists and such. It's rather quiet and I totally get why the parents are really enjoying their weekends here. Tobie will be following tomorrow afternoon and I'm looking forward to him enjoying a little respite from the city as well.
I still had a full workday today, but the new environment made for a slightly weirder shift. I still got things done but also had to step away a few times for little family errands here and there.
One such cause of errands is the new puppy in the mix of things. I'll wait for his name to fully grow on him before I document it here, but he's quite the little charmer. Sure, he peed on me a bit on the drive over, but what can you do when you have a puppy in a vehicle for nearly 2 hours. He has the sort of face that you can't quite get mad at and we'll see if he can maintain that charm as he gets older - and much bigger.
Otherwise, things are pretty chill despite my general lack of sleep. We had to wake up early for the drive here and I haven't had a chance to nap just yet. I don't know if I'll be able to hit my step goal for the day as I'm quite physically drained at this point. Tomorrow should go better.
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