02D45: Home Stories

Monday - Pork Steak

I had to prepare another bath of laundry for the service downstairs and it was quite bothersome that 2 kilos of towels cost more to launder than 6 kilos of clothes. I get there are complications as towels are thicker and take longer to dry and all, but man that's annoying. If everything goes well enough, we should have our machine back by next week at the latest - hopefully sooner. I'm not going to lie - I miss hearing the sound of the machine running and I hate seeing our laundry hamper overflowing with clothes. Sigh.

In other domestic news, we had our weekly grocery run tonight. As we have a relatively shorter week ahead (Tobie has an event this weekend), it was a smaller grocery run in terms of items but not in terms of cost. That's my own fault, I suppose. Since I knew we weren't buying as much food, I took the opportunity to stock a few longer-term consumables like a standby bottle of olive oil and other cleaning products. The vegetables did seem more expensive than last week, but I don't think we had purchased enough to really push things all that much.

I don't really know what else to write about so I'll wrap things up here. I think I just want to organize the other board game expansions that arrived in the mail today. 
