02D35: Gaming Updates

Saturday - Trailblazers

This is going to be another of those blog posts that mostly consist of a listing of all the board games we've played.

Friday night was a good return to form. We had initially considered starting a campaign game to work with during alternate Fridays when the full Friday group isn't available but ended up going down the rabbit hole of escape room-style puzzle games. We first played one half of the Escape Room in a Box Time Drifters story - this being the Kira scenario. But that didn't take too long and was quite fun, so we jumped into Isabelles's story right after and THEN finished the third scenario which is only available when you have finished the two halves of the story. 

Keeping up with the escape room slant to things, we then played the third and final scenario of the Star Trek: Cryptic puzzle game, which also turned out to be quite the culmination of all three missions in the box. Our third player did not have the full benefit of having played through the first two missions, but it was still fun overall.

Then we got serious with a massive all-expansions session of Tapestry. I love this game a lot but I don't consistently manage to win because it's one of those kinds of games. I still enjoy the whole process and I'm glad that we're already at a point when we can play with all of the expansions active and not get too overloaded. We were hyped enough after that game to still play a few rounds of Trailblazers, a game that is quickly becoming an easy game to add to any game night.

Come the afternoon, we got to play a few more games with a neighbor before the big O Bar Pride party. Our main game was a session of Suburbia with tiles from the Suburbia, Inc, and Nightlife expansions. And again we ended things with a few rounds of Trailblazers because we were pressed for time.

Across the two gaming blocks, I did not win a lot, which is a shame. But thankfully we enjoyed the experience as a whole, and so that was still good. Plus it was just nice to game again after often inconsistent schedules and other complications, so certainly a geeky way to wrap up the month. 
