02D30: The School Play

Monday - Changing Partners

Tobie and I filed leaves for the afternoon to catch the UP Dulaang Laboratoryo staging of Vincent De Jesus' Changing Partners, mainly because our friend Bong was part of the cast. I can't remember the last time I had a chance to visit the UP Diliman campus and this was as good a reason as any, even if it meant being there at night.

Waze estimated that we'd need at least an hour to travel from BGC to UPD around rush hour, which we didn't believe. We originally budgeted 1.5 hours but instead left 2 hours early aiming to arrive 30 minutes before the play. It was a good thing that we had left early because it took us the full 2 hours to get to UP despite the Waze estimates and I'm just glad that we weren't late.

The show itself was very impressive - not bad for what was essentially the final product of a group of students. Staging what was essentially a one-day show (with 3:30pm and 7:30pm shows) of this caliber was pretty impressive. It helped that they had some great talent as part of the group (Bong is an AMAZING veteran actor) but it still says a lot about their commitment to put all this together. Students like these can be quite inspiring.

And on top of all that - it was oddly nice to walk around Palma Hall, even if just to get to the theater venue before more rain would come pouring down. We went around one side to get from the parking lot to the theater and I asked to walk around the other side on our way back after the show just to complete the circuit. AS may not have been my main building, but like most other UP students (of my generation at least) I had a lot of classes there. And being back for a bit felt...nice..

It has been an interesting Monday.
