Well, I'm back in Singapore.
The flight over was largely uneventful except for a slightly tense moment when the pilot announced that they were expecting some turbulence. Given the recent incident on another Singapore Airlines flight, you could feel people were being a but more compliant in terms of keeping seatbelts on and stowing items when asked to. We didn't even have particularly notable turbulence despite the warning - I think everyone was just being extra careful.
I haven't had a chance to see the nephews just yet since they were quite asleep by the time we got home from a hearty steamboat dinner with the team. I'm sure I'm going to get an interesting wake-up call in the morning once it fully sinks in with them that I'm here.
For those who are curious, I did not jump the gun and try to buy this a replacement smartwatch on the flight or at the airport just yet. I am rather itching to as looking at my Fitbit Sense has me repeatedly asking myself if the screen is getting dimmer or something. A replacement is still a looming concern, but I'd like to think it's not an urgent one yet.
The logical choice is to go for a Samsung wearable since they're the market leader and have support options available in the Philippines. However, it seems that I can't get Samsung Health to import/recognize all my Fitbit data and it would be like starting from scratch. And as much as I don't necessarily do all that much with my data, it still feels bothersome to potentially lose the utility of all that just to switch to another brand.
That leaves me with considering staying within the Google/Fitbit ecosystem even though they don't have direct sales or support channels in the Philippines. Fitbit still seems to be generally better at the sort of fitness tracking I need but it also feels like Google Pixel is probably the way to go in the longterm as I doubt that Google will continue to supporting both brand lines indefinitely.
The other option is something like Garmin, which does have a Philippine presence and seems generally appreciated. But most of their devices seem to be significantly more expensive and might do a lot more then I need it to. So why should I pay more for features that I might not actually need all that much?
The other fitness-related concern is that I'm also pretty sure that my exercise shoes are nearing their end. This Brooks pair has served me quite well some maybe 5+ years now and a replacement is well overdue. But I keep trying to push them to see how long I can manage without needing to buy a new pair. Stubborn man!
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