02CFB: Solo Sietch Weekend

Thursday - Dinner for One

Tobie's flight was first thing in the morning, so he had to leave the Sietch pretty early. I remember waking up a bit to say goodbye and then I dozed off. But maybe an hour or so later (or at least before my first alarms, I woke up needing to use the bathroom. And I'm the sort of person who once I get up, I either stay up or risk sleeping in longer than I should. And since I had a new employee to onboard as my first meeting, I definitely didn't want to be late today.

I stayed in bed at first and just messed around on my phone. But I eventually got up, went through my morning yoga, and just started my work day a little earlier. I'm not particularly tired as I write this post - at least not significantly more tired than normal. But I do recognize that I've been awake longer than my typical and this just stressed how empty the Sietch is without Tobie. 

He'll be out until Sunday night so I have a whole weekend that I need to occupy with activities. I don't want to sound overly maudlin or something, but we always feel a little sad when we're apart. I guess I'm feeling it a bit more today since things have been rather quiet even with a busy work day. But no a rather ironic note, I didn't even try going out for a walk with the limited benefit of at least seeing other people. It's easy to just want to stay in and not make the effort to see other people.

I know that's not 100% healthy, so I'm taking some steps to fill up my weekend schedule. Tomorrow at least one friend is free to drop by for games after work, so that'll help Friday feel a bit more "normal" with the usual geekery. Another friend has offered to hang out on Saturday so we can watch Star Wars movies on May the 4th (hehe) but Sunday is kind of wide open. I'll probably keep Sunday free so I can just relax and read and wait for Tobie to come home.

I had hoped to schedule a foot spa appointment on Saturday given Tobie's out but it seems the spa has a scheduled power interruption on Saturday for some reason. At one point, I had honestly contemplated the possibility of going to O Bar on my own had no one been free for geekery tomorrow or Saturday, but that's not quite the case for now, at least. I'm pretty sure I'll be back to being alone by Saturday night, but we'll see how the weekend goes. It helps to have good neighbors for emergency gaming, maybe?
