I took another walk around the neighborhood after dinner and clocked a respectable 68 Fitbit Zone minutes just from brisk walking. I'm still a little nervous about full-on jogging given my recent respiratory issues, but I have to admit that I'm breathing a lot better here than back at home. I'm not sure if it's just that enough time had passed since I first started coughing for me to recover or if the differences in temperature (it's warmer here) have helped me. Either way, being able to walk outside at night without triggering a coughing fit or an asthma attack has been a blessing. Plus this is super great for me hitting my minimum fitness goals for the day. In any case, I'd like to think that this means I'm generally at the right level of fitness to resume jogging when I get back (at the very least).
Work was good despite like a million things going on. Everyone in the team is busy with one thing or another and we're all doing our best to keep pace. And with our (delayed) quarterly workshop taking up the rest of the week, all the more we're going to be busy with other things on top of our regular work. But hey, I don't get to work out of the office very often, so I'd like to think that I've totally been making the most of things this week.
Our main source of entertainment outside of work has either been mornings with the nephews or just taking time to have good food. That's one thing that Singapore will always have going for it - no shortage of interesting places to eat. This week alone has included various cuisines including Thai, Indonesian, Chinese, and just tonight Mongolian. Heck, I even had the robot-fried chicken that I had enjoyed during my last trip just because I can. This has made the walking feel more mandatory to keep pace with the indulgent eating, but I have no regrets.
Final bit of random news, just noted today that Kindle Rewards is going to be a US-only promotion starting 1 February, which is a bummer. While I try not to buy a crazy amount of ebooks and digital comics, it has been rather reassuring that I get occasional rebates on my purchases. With the promotion limiting itself to the US (like the last wave of IDW Transformers comics!) I ended up racking up a few last purchases just to max out my remaining points and redeem whatever credits I can. Spending more on ebooks in response to a promotion goes away feels a little silly, but I'd like to count this as a bit of a win for now.
And that's it for now, folks. Get some rest.
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