I've just started reading Josel Nicolas' Bearings: Windmills Volume One and it's proving to be quite the heavy read. I had a feeling it would be this way but the reality of it is still different once you start reading, But at the same time, the raw honesty that defines the work speaks to the creative in me. At the same time, Tobie recently announced that he's working on Diliman Generation Now, a sequel to his original comic that he had created back in 1997. And I'm SOOO proud of him for taking this on and revisiting this original work of his with the benefit of new technology like Procreate on his iPad. Lastly, I've just recently finished reading The Fifth Season, which is the first book in N.J. Jemisen's Broken Earth trilogy. I rather enjoyed this first book and feel pretty eager to see where the rest of this story will go.
And as all of this is going on, I once again feel that twinge reminding me that I haven't been very creative in recent years. Sure, I blog here regularly and this is my more consistent form of writing in my life outside of work. But that's about it - I haven't really done much about my creative writing side apart from saving the remnants of my online writing repository that had been attached to an inevitably defunct instance of Google Sites attached to one of my blog domains. And that's really just housekeeping without any actual writing.
I've blogged about this frustration more than a few times at this point and I especially feel this when I read rather inspiring work. But I also recognize that I don't have a story that I'm dying to tell right now and maybe I need to wait a bit longer. I feel like I'll come back to this in time...but I don't think that time is now. Maybe I need other mediums for creative output to really figure this out, but for now I don't know where to invest myself. But I'm writing about it less as a challenge to myself or a promise to look at this more serious. If anything, this is just a checkpoint - me remaining aware of my current headspace relative to my creativity and my acceptance that I'm not quite ready to really commit myself to something.
Maybe I should just tackle NaNoWriMo this year as a construct to push myself forward. That feels rather artificial and literally forced but...maybe it'll work. Or not.
In the meantime, I'm going to continue reading.
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