We had a good roundup of games last night even though I didn't win any of them. We played Imperial Settlers, Buffet Boss, and Ark Nova with the Marine Worlds expansion. I should cut myself some slack since it was our first time for the last two games and learning games and rarely ideal. But still, it would have been nice to win at least one, especially since a love Imperial Settlers and Ark Nova a lot. This was a rather weird start to a weekend full of gaming but hey that's how it goes.
I had my foot spa appointment and my feet feel better. I opted to swing by SM after to get my new SM Prestige card but was met with a rather long queue at customer service. In line with what feels like my luck for the weekend, they were having system issues specifically related to printing cards for renewal accounts. It eventually got resolved and it's not like I had to wait an hour or anything like that. But yeah, just a weird turn of events.
It was nice catching up on Reacher with Tobie when I got back. We just ordered Chicken Bacolod for lunch since neither of us were up to cooking. It made for a good meal for enjoying some bone-crunching violence on TV.
Today's our big monthly gaming meetup and we have a somewhat quirky mix of games with us. I got to start with the Disney version of Villainous, which we haven't played in a while. Our collection is rather unwieldy and keeping the different games in circulation is always a fun struggle. We'll see how the rest of the night goes for me.
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