02C82: First Half-Sprint

Wednesday - Pork Adobo

I did not wake up early enough to jog this morning, but at least I still made time for yoga. And I have to admit, maybe yoga is what I can safely handle this week as I'm still feeling random aches and pains in my shoulders and lower back, which feels like lingering side-effects of my holiday travel. Maybe tomorrow will be different - I still need to put these earbuds through their paces, and a run sounds perfect for that. But we've also scheduled a massage for Thursday night, so maybe that'll help address those other issues.

We're halfway through the first workweek of the year and things are quite busy indeed. I didn't doubt that the number of internal meetings would be the same but I've also had a number of interviews in my schedule as well. I only step in for the final interviews as part of changes I've been implementing for our recruitment process and thus these are pretty long interviews. And this totally eats into my work time, but I still got some good number crunching done today and I'm really happy about that. Now I have to think about client/external meetings returning to my calendar as well - things are pretty much back to normal at this point.

We had our first RPG session of the year and it was for Invisible Sun. It's one of the rare mid-week games that we have on our calendar and I'm glad that we're able to dive back into roleplaying games so soon. It's still an online game as are all of our regular RPG campaigns thus far. As much as I miss playing TRPGs in person, the convenience of being able to jump right into a game right after finishing work is hard to deny. And as long as Metro Manila traffic remains terrible, I don't think we're going to change the way we play anytime soon. This does not mean that in-person TRPGs won't happen - I just think that proximity has become a serious limiting factor. Most of our in-person board game nights involve people who live relatively near and that's about it. This metropolis is crazy!

Maybe I'll talk about the books I'm starting the year with tomorrow.
