Today's blog title refers to the fun coincidence that today's blog count ends on an F, which is the last character in a hexadecimal sequence. I love mathematical quirks like this.
It was raining when I woke up this morning and that literally dampened today's plans. Instead of a hike and taking the boys swimming, we ended up staying in, but that was okay, too. Instead, I had some serious quality time with the nephews and the younger one especially warmed up (finally!) on my last day in Singapore. We played around a bit and took funny photos and videos and just had a nice day.
Brunch was hearty but not too heavy. Dad and I spent the afternoon talking about board games. And then it was time to go. Farewells are always bittersweet, but in my case, I'll actually be back in Singapore by the end of January, so it's not like I'll be away for that long. The ride to the airport was uneventful and we also had no issues filing for our GST refunds, dropping off our bags via the self-check-in counters, and breezed through the automated immigration gates.
We had time for light snacks at the terminal and I even got to get on a video call to show the boys the planes at the airport. I didn't particularly feel the need to do any shopping but we did enjoy a lot of the aesthetic upgrades at Changi Terminal 2.
It wasn't an overly busy flight and we actually got to take advantage of the empty rows and spread out about. I finished the tail end of Shortcomings (meh movie) and watched The Moon in its entirety (campy Korean science fiction fun!) and I spent most of the flight finishing my last book for 2023 - Almost Like Being In Love. What a great book to end the year with!
Now I'm safely back home at the Sietch as the fireworks are starting to go off. I just have to wait for Tobie to get home so that we can head off to O Bar together to celebrate the new year with our chosen family as well.
Happy New Year, Everyone.
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