Pretty good work day. Lots of meetings. I'll leave it at that because professionalism.
In quirkier news, I decided to sit down and tinker with Notion a bit more today and finally try my hand at using its database feature for reals versus just using the "notebook" database template I got from YouTube. And don't get me wrong - it's great template and it has become the backbone of the bulk of my Notion use thus far. But it has also been a crutch since I stopped going through Notion tutorials once I tried this template out and found it sufficient for my needs.
My goal for the day was to put together something to help me track all the different crowdfunding projects that I've backed. Board game projects are a significant guilty pleasure for me since a lot of projects have fun freebies or are a great way to get access to exclusive content that will never make it to retail. But these things can feel a little fire-and-forget since after you back such a project, you'll then have to wait a year or so on average before the project ships out.
Cue the usual disclaimer that crowdfunding projects are not pre-orders and there's no guarantee that you'll get what you pledge for. They're "rewards" and not purchases.
Anyway, I wanted to get a handle on all the projects that I have floating around. Initially, I was planning another Google Sheet, which is my default for such things. But then I figured this would be a good opportunity to learn more about Notion and finally feel like I'm doing more than the bare minimum as a user. That brought me back to Thomas Frank's YouTube channel to get through the beginning of his database tutorial (which I'm sure I had watched before) and realized how easy it actually is to make one of these and I totally should have been doing this from the start.
So I managed to encode all the projects I had backed starting with the oldest pending one and went through every one of them since then including many of the ones that had already been fulfilled. I'm generally happy with the initial result but I'm sure that I'm going to be tinkering with this time and time again - already I'm unsatisfied with the initial statuses I had assigned and will want to flesh things out further in order to have a more accurate view of things. And I know this will lead to other projects like applying this methodology to my Transformers collecting or something else.
This is going to be nerdily fun.
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