02D07: Gaming Resilience

Saturday - Rack's

Typhoon Hanna has certainly put a bit of a damper on our weekend plans, but it's not like we're without options. We continue to celebrate geeky things here and there despite the weather.

First blessing is the fact that a good friend also lives in the building, and he's an easy guest to invite over. Last night we got to introduce him to one of our newer games, Wild Tiled West. The game experience changes significantly with the addition of a third player and I'm eager to see how things go during a bigger game night. And then we had an in-person Ark Nova session, which made for a nice change from our now-regular Board Game Arena sessions. He might drop by today after his other plans, which would be great since we don't have other firm plans for today.

I had initially hoped to get another friend to come over today to game in person, but the rains really killed those plans. But then we ended up connecting with over friends for an online Tapestry session via BGA. I didn't win but it was still a lot of fun.

Speaking of Tapestry, it has been over a month since we ordered the physical game and all of its expansions from Australia, but the games remain stuck pending customs clearance for some reason. We've been unable to get in touch with the post office by phone and our emails continue to go unanswered. I'm honestly quite worried about the shipment and what will happen to the games as it's a fair investment. Let's all hope that the post office gets over its inefficiency and releases the shipment before it celebrates a full month in this pending state. 

Tomorrow we have an online Pendragon RPG session to keep us busy and maybe we'll squeeze in more BGA time before or after the game. That may be the same situation as tonight while we get through Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny, which is starting out to be a rather droll (more like bad) movie. 
