Today felt like just the right about of Monday - it was still busy and I ended my day rather late, but it wasn't like crazy stressful. I got through the more urgent items on my task list and still had time for some longer-term development items. I didn't get as much work-related reading done today, but that's okay. There's always tomorrow and the rest of the week.
I had forgotten to set my dental appointment last week, so I was sort of scrambling to figure that out this morning. When you try to go through your HMO, it almost always requires a ridiculous amount of effort to even figure out which clinics are (1) affiliated with your HMO and (2) are also part of your plan coverage, apparently. A lot of progress has been made in terms of making the process to see a doctor pretty easy, but I don't understand why getting to a dentist is so crappy. And it's not like your standard dental coverage is all that expansive - they only really cover basic cleaning and some fillings here and there. Most dental procedures are largely out-of-pocket expenses.
I was hoping to make use of the Wednesday work holiday to get this settled, but the soonest the only Maxicare dental clinic in BGC could see me was Thursday, so I took it. My last dental appointment was right before the first lockdown, so needless to say, I'm quite overdue. I'll be lucky if I can get away with just a deep cleaning but I suspect there are going to be other complications. Every dentist seems determined to convince me to have my wisdom tooth extracted. But beyond that, I've also had trouble biting with my left upper molar/s and I'm worried it'll be more serious. Let's see what the dentist'll be my first time with this clinic to boot.
We got our grocery shopping done after work, although shopping on Monday nights has gotten really sucky. We really need to re-work our schedule to make sure that we get our shopping done during the weekend or something - or we need to find a better work night for this sort of thing. Admittedly, Tuesday nights were kind of better the few times we went. Mondays are really poor, especially when it comes to vegetables. I guess the supermarket gets beat up by Sunday and has nothing left on Monday.
Thanks for reading this far. I hope the rest of the week goes well for you.
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